Alcohol & Drug Free Workplace
- On 14 December 2015
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
There is no law that requires employers to have an alcohol or a drug policy; but it is most certainly an HR Best Practice. Having an alcohol and drug free policy is not required in the workplace, however putting such policies into effect can most definitely create a more productive and safe working environment. Drug and alcohol abuse may create a hostile atmosphere and disrupt an employee’s ability to work effectively.
Allowing alcohol or drugs in the workplace is an accident waiting to happen! Workers who are under the influence are at a higher risk for injuries or property damage. Allowing substances in a work environment can be a hazardous proposition and can affect an employee’s ability to make effective decisions. Strict alcohol and drug use policies can be beneficial in any type of work setting, whether your employees are dealing with customers, using machinery, or even working alone.
Pre-employment drug testing is a good HR Practice. Prior to hiring a new employee, it is recommended that the company establish a pre-employment drug test to evaluate whether this applicant is a good candidate for your company. Applicants who abuse drugs or alcohol may not be efficient in the workplace; persons who are dependent on substances or alcohol may negatively affect the quality of their work. It is also important to consider the rest of your staff and how they may be affected by an individual who is working under the influence of either drugs or alcohol.
Include a comprehensive alcohol/drug free policy in your employee handbook. Take alcohol and drug policies seriously at the workplace and make sure to use disciplinary action if any employee violates your company rules or regulations. To create a safe and productive work environment, it is important that all of your employees know what would be the consequences of breaching company policy by being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at work.
Train or re-train your employees in all company policies listed in your employee handbook during a “re-orientation” when re-issuing an updated employee handbook. We can facilitate the re-orientation training for you! Many employees may need a refresher as to your company policies. When re-issuing your new and updated handbook, make sure you have your employees sign an acknowledgment of receipt, clearly stating that they have read and understand all company policies, and agree to abide by them. Our qualified professional HR consultants can provide your employees with a thorough orientation on all of the policies mentioned in your employee handbook, so that everyone knows what is expected of them. Give your employees the training and tools they need to succeed and grow with your company!