Have you posted your “Time Off To Vote” notice yet?
- On 24 October 2016
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
Employers must post a Time Off to Vote notice by October 30, 2016. The General Election is November 8, and employers must display a poster outlining the voting leave requirements at least 10 days before the election.
Employees are allowed 2 hours of paid leave to vote, if they do not have sufficient time outside working hours to vote in a statewide election. If the employee requires more than 2 hours to vote, they may take additional time. However, only the first two hours of leave are paid.
Time off must be taken at the beginning or end of their shift. The employee must choose the end of their shift that gives them the most time to vote, and requires the least time off from working. Your employees must notify you at least two working days in advance, if they wish to arrange paid leave for voting. You and your employee may agree to voting time at a different part of their shift if you choose.
For more information on how to communicate voting leave options, refer to this CalChamber brochure.