HR policy: Mandatory sexual harassment training
- On 24 June 2019
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
It’s the law and New for 2019 – All employers with at least 5 employees must conduct harassment training for all of their employees, hourly and management employees alike! This training must be completed prior to year-end; December 31st, 2019.
Sexual harassment is a serious offense in the workplace so it’s important for employees to have proper preventative training. During training, supervisory employees can learn how to handle reports of sexual harassment as well as learn what steps to take to prevent incidences from occurring.
For Supervisors and Management Employees – You must conduct 2 hours of sexual harassment training every 2 years. The law requires that employers provide a two-hour training workshop; every two years to their supervisor and managers. It’s the law! Through training, all supervisory employees can learn how to prevent harassment and discrimination from taking place at work. Training should be interactive and meet all required specifications.
All new supervisors or managers must receive this training within the first six months of employment, or promotion to a supervisory capacity. Supervisors are responsible for knowing and complying with policies and procedures. If sexual harassment claims are made, a supervisor is required to immediately report any complaints to executive management. Make sure that all new management staff receive proper training within the first six months of their employment; or that existing hourly/line employees who are promoted into a supervisor or management capacity, receive this training within the first six months of their promotion. Provide your supervisors and management employees with the tools they need to become effective leaders.
For Hourly Employees – You must conduct 1 hour of sexual harassment training every 2 years, beginning this year; 2019.
We conduct sexual harassment training and provide visuals, handouts, quizzes, and certifications of accomplishments. Through interactive learning, employees can engage with others and discuss ways to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Employees can learn what to look out for and what to do if they notice sexual harassment, discrimination or abusive conduct in the workplace.
Make sure you are in compliance – We are here to help.
On-Line Trainings – There are many websites out there that will provide you with information as to how to conduct training on-line. Yes certainly, these online courses are available and not very expensive, and meet the “I’ve checked that compliance box”. Note however that live trainings facilitated by ECG Consultants are interactive, and much more interesting than online trainings. We speak of relevant news topics and have interactive conversations, quizzes and hypotheticals with your employees. The retention of the information for the typical adult learner is much greater.
For information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to cmariotti@executivehrconsulting.com, or call 818-845-5584.