It’s time to post your OSHA summary
- On 4 February 2016
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
The Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses Summary – Form 300A must be posted from February 1 to April 30 of each year. The Form 300A summarizes the recordable work-related injuries and illnesses that occurred at your organization during the previous calendar year. Please make sure that you post the “Summary ONLY”; and not include any personal information of any one of your injured employees.
You must prepare an OSHA summary for each business establishment you operate. The Form 300A must be certified by one of the following individuals: One of the business owners, a corporate officer, the highest ranking person at the establishment, or their immediate supervisor.
The form 300A must be posted in a conspicuous place where you normally post employee posters. The Form 300A cannot be altered, defaced or covered by other material. If you have employees on the payroll during the posting period, but they do not report at least weekly to the posting location, you must give or mail a copy of the Form 300A to them.
You must keep certain records backing up the information on your OSHA posting. You must keep the following records for five years: Work-Related Injuries and Illness Log (Form 300), Injury and Illness Incident Report (Form 301), Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A).
Have questions regarding your OSHA filings and postings? We’re available to answer all your questions, and make sure your OSHA records are up to date. Call us at (818) 845-5584 or email us at info@executivehrconsulting.com.