Legal Posters & Distribution
- On 22 December 2021
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
As you all know, your company is required to post legal notices in your workplace. A great place to purchase those posters is HR California (https://hrcalifornia.calchamber.com/hr-library/posters-pamphlets/required-posters)
But now, more and more employees are working remotely! In fact, some companies have eliminated their physical addresses all together, allowing their employees to work from home. (I wish this was an option when I was employed!!! lol). Anyway, how do we make sure all employees have an opportunity to view all of the information on these employment/legal posters?
SB657 (new law), allows employers to distribute to employees by email, any employment-related information such as these legal posters. Employers, however, MUST still physically display the required posting. So, wherever the Company’s headquarters is (if all employees work remotely or not), the posters should be displayed there, on the wall.
Failure to post legal notices may result in a fine of $10,000. Hope this information helps!
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