Management Tips – What to do when delegating
- On 14 February 2022
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
Proper delegation creates a team spirit and helps you accomplish much more than if you try to work alone. Here are a few tips:
Pick people who can accept responsibility. Surround yourself with the best;
Try to match the person to the task. Try to delegate assignments that will capitalize on the person’s talents;
Remember that the person performing the task may not do it as well as you do it. Don’t be tempted to take over the project. Weigh the time you might lose at first, against the time you’ll save in the long run;
Build the person’s confidence by assigning low-risk projects at first;
Let your employees put their own spin on the assignment. Their way may be better. Be sure to be open to, and listen to their ideas;
When communicating a task, use words that are easily understood. A person can recheck the message;
Keep tabs on what you delegate. As the deadline nears, check to make sure that everything is on target;
Give a due date for the assignment and explain how this assignment relates to other priorities.
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