OSHA Covid-19 Update – December, 2021
- On 19 December 2021
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
On December 16, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board readopted the Cal/OSHA Covid-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) for the second time. This takes effect on January 14, 2022, and apply to most workers in California, not covered by the Aerosol Transmissible Diseases standard.
Requirements that remain unchanged:
Establish, implement and maintain an effective written Covid-19 Prevention Program that includes Identifying and evaluating employee exposures, Implementing effective policies to correct unsafe and unhealthy conditions, and allow adequate time for handwashing and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
Employers must provide effective training & instruction to employees on how Covid-19 is spread.
- Investigating and responding to Covid-19 cases in the workplace
- Face Coverings
- Testing and Exclusion
- Return to Work Criteria
Make sure to visit Cal/OSHA online, or call 800-963-9424 for consultation or information.
Be Well and Stay Safe!