A Sound HR Platform for New Companies
- On 15 April 2019
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
So what is an HR platform? The HR Platform is your human resources foundation that will help guide you and ensure that you are utilizing all HR best practices, and that you are in compliance with employment laws, wage & hour laws, OSHA and all HR related government agencies.
This platform is necessary for all start-up businesses, or businesses that want to make sure they have all of the tools they need for the effective management of their human resources.
By retaining ECG, we make sure that your HR platform is sound and in compliance. We train you or your designated representative in all things HR and why certain procedures are important; how they work, and how these procedures will protect you in the event of litigation.
The HR platform includes the following:
- Your employee handbook with an arbitration agreement – This document includes all of your internal policies, as well as the policies required by law;
- All HR Forms – From pre-employment through termination, including safety/OSHA required documents;
- Sample On-Boarding Packet– which you can duplicate for all of your new employees when hired;
- Sample Personnel File – which you can duplicate as well; showing you all HR best practices to maintain required documents;
- I-9 binders – legal documents showing that your employees have the legal right to work in the U.S. – how to properly complete these forms, and store them in an effective manner in the event you are audited by Homeland Security;
- On-Boarding Power Point Presentation – We provide you with a PPT that can be used to onboard all of your new hires.
- Training – We train you or one of your representatives to clearly understand the contents and value of the HR platform as well as how to effectively maintain it.
Additional consulting may include position descriptions, ensuring that you have the proper insurances, such as EPLI, workers compensation, liability insurance, the proper payroll practices in place, etc…
For more information on the HR Platform, please contact us at 818-845-55584, or email info@executivehrconsulting.com.
Be prepared!