Announcement – Our New Referral Platform – Coming 1/1/22
- On 10 November 2021
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
What an appropriate month of the year to announce our new business model, coming up and going live January 1, 2022!
Through these 20 years in business, I am so very grateful to the wonderful clients, consultants, vendors and employment attorneys I’ve come to know, and work with. My sincere thanks and gratitude for your unwavering loyalty to our brand, your service excellence and your trust and confidence. For this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With close to 40 years’ experience in human resources, and 20 years in the business of HR consulting, I am thrilled to announce the creation of our new business model and “Referral Platform”.
Beginning January 1, 2022, we will be open for business in referring to you the best of the best, when it comes to either human resources or hospitality referrals. This new platform will allow you to select from a list of companies to assist you with all things HR, and all things Hospitality. Our platform will include Human Resources Consultants, Hospitality Consultants, Expense Reduction Analysts, Benefits, 401 (k) and Payroll Providers, Employment Attorneys, Recruiting Specialists, Translation Services, Executive Coaches and much, much more.
Our Mission Statement:
Through this platform, ECG pledges to provide quality HR & Hospitality resource referrals,
from an exclusive and elite group of remarkable, service-oriented professionals, dedicated to serve you”.
So until then, I am here today to wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday,
filled with love, joy and sending you much gratitude.
With Warm Regards,
Executive HR Consulting Group, Inc.
Chantal Mariotti, Principal
Email: cmariotti@ExecutiveHRConsulting.com
Information: info@ExecutiveHRConsulting.com
Web: www.ExecutiveHRConsulting.com
Office: 818-845-5584 – Cell: 818-915-5584