Referral Partner Highlight – Best Employment Attorneys!
- On 21 March 2022
- Posted by Chantal Mariotti
After close to 20 years in business, and over 30 years in human resources leadership management, I have come to know and work with some of the very best employment attorneys in California, and in the country.
I am pleased to highlight this week, the list of fabulous attorneys you can count on and trust. With their un-wavering dedication to employment law, outstanding communication and ease of understanding, you can’t go wrong.
They are:
- Blank Rome, LLP http://blankrome.com/
- Ervin, Cohen & Jessup, LLP http://www.ecjlaw.com/
- Folger Levin http://www.folgerlevin.com/
- Fox Rothschild, LLP http://www.foxrothschild.com/
- Greenberg Glusker http://greenbergglusker.com/
- Jackson Lewis, PC http://www.jacksonlewis.com/
- Juan Carlos Gonzalez http://www.juancarlosgonzalez.com/
- Lewitt Hackman http://www.lewitthackman.com
- McDermott, Will & Emery http://www.mwe.com/
Click here to learn more: https://executivehrconsulting.com/employment-attorneys
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